You often receive the most insightful comments from the older more experienced truck drivers. Late last year, an older truck driver with over 40 years experience, made the point to me that Fatigue Laws reduced Load Safety. Not getting what he meant, I asked him to explain, and when he did , I certainly could […]
Your Truck GPS – Email and Mobile Phone Data is being Spied On
Ever heard of the term Metadata? Well Local Councils, the RSPCA and even Racing Queensland have, because they have put in along with others over 10,000 requests last year, to find out “who you called, where you were and they were, when you called, who you text-ed, who you emailed and the subject line. By […]
Why Truck Driving Training Must be Reviewed
Do we need to train Truck Drivers to drive along specific roads? That is the question now facing the industry, based on the South Australian Coroner report in two fatal truck crashes that recommended: “all truck drivers in South Australia and interstate be given specific training on using the down track of the South Eastern Freeway.” The […]
Danger of Civil Litigation in Chain of Responsibility
Enforcement Authorities and leading Legal minds we have spoken to, agree that Civil Litigation under the Chain of Responsibility framework could pose a far greater threat to Directors and Companies, than criminal prosecutions.
Specialists being Employed to Increase Chain of Responsibility Investigations
State Authorities are Employing Specialists to Increase Chain of Responsibility Investigations. Victoria Victoria Police are now employing over 20 specialist mechanics to conduct roadside maintenance inspections. Already thousands of road side inspections have been conducted. “And it’s rumoured they found one truck with the trailer brakes chained back because the air hose connections were broken.” […]
Applying Chain of Responsibility to Other Commercial Vehicles
Who is more likely to lose a load on a public road, a truckie or tradie?
A Tradie uses public roads for a commercial benefit, ie to get to a work site with their materials and tools. A truckie uses a public road to deliver goods to a site.