You NEED to Prove you took Reasonable Steps

A Court of Appeals recently upheld that it is up to the Defendant NOT the Prosecution to prove that they took Reasonable Steps. More importantly it is up the Defendant to prove what the Reasonable Steps required were, NOT the Prosecution. This has a number of implications which will be discussed over forthcoming articles. “…that […]

Load Restraint – “Load of Old Rope”

For some time there has been a lot of noise around load restraint on vehicles and in particular the use of ropes. There seems to be a love affair with Rope, maybe it’s the Boy Scout in all of us. So let me clear up a myth, – Myth – “the use of Rope will […]

Customers must be prosecuted under Chain of Responsibility

The Waste Industry is a good example of how customers must be prosecuted if change is to be effected in the transport industry. The Waste Industry needs to be cleaned up and its time the authorities took action. Larger operators are generally investing significantly in ensuring compliance with the myriad of laws that effect this […]

Using Rope for Load Restraint

Last week, we conducted briefings for over 100 companies in Esperance and Albany WA on the forth coming Compliance and Enforcement (Chain of Responsibility) laws in Western Australia. Whilst our briefings covered the full spectrum of the requirements, to meet the law, the news focused on the use of Rope. It most certainly created an […]

Why Investors Hold Key to Chain of Responsibility Changes

Investors in Retailers may be the key to driving Supply Chain change in the Retail sector; and Chain of Responsibility may be the first true catalyst for change. Chain of Responsibility Scenario Retailers have apparently delayed advising suppliers of intended promotional specials at their stores until the last possible opportunity.  That’s logical as they want […]